Well, I am now in the single digit weeks of the countdown! And I'm starting to feel more and more like it is a countdown! I love having a baby growing inside of me and the feeling of this baby kicking, but I'm definately starting to feel the uncomfortableness setting in. I have a hard time sitting for too long - not on the couch, I can be on the couch all day if I could, but sitting in a normal chair, for too long gets uncomfortable. The hardest has been going to church and sitting in the pews and then Sunday School after that, I get really restless. I am finding that I am so grateful for the fact that I do have a job that keeps me on my feet and not at a desk all day. Which I think has been really good for me to keep going and moving and to not get too lazy. I am definately tired at the end of the day, and Jeremy continues to be so wonderful about letting me have my lazy time at home.
32 weeks Belly
The last couple of weeks we have been trying to finish off the little projects we want finished around the house. My favorite one was getting a new kitchen sink. Which really shouldn't seem too exciting, but I was/am super excited about it. We had just a basic old stainless steel sink that I just thought was gross. So we went and picked out a new porcelain sink and even got a new faucet, the sink is much deeper and just looks prettier in my kitchen. Yep, who knew I would be so happy about a kitchen sink! Don't get me wrong, it still doesn't encourage me to do too many more dishes by hand or at all for that matter. :)
I think Jeremy took this picture as proof that I still do cook some! :)
I think Jeremy took this picture as proof that I still do cook some! :)
Baby Payne is moving around alot and I can see my stomach doing crazy wave motions at times, which is really fun. We were eating dinner last night and I had my plate on my stomach and the plate was moving all over the place from the kicking, which was fun to see! I went to the Dr. this last week and baby is still growing strong, nd measuring two weeks larege, so we'll see what that means. Now I start going to the Dr. every two weeks and then every week in about a month, and then it's baby time!!
The new kitchen sink and the new shower curtain for the baby bathroom.