9 1/2 wks
Falling asleep 8 wks (?)
Brand new baby - just a few hours old
Well, hello and welcome back to anyone reading this! I decided that maybe I should update this, since it has been 11 weeks now since Jonathan Mark was born. The last 2 1/2 months really have been somewhat of a whirlwind, yet I've loved just about every minute of it! Jonathan was born Dec 3, after a long labor, but once we had him in our arms, it was all worth it! :) Since then we have had a fair amount of company, Jeremy's dad over Christmas and then his mom and step-dad the first weekend of January. Then my best friend Rachel and her husband Tim came towards the end of January, and then this last week I travelled with my mom and Jonathan down to Wyoming to spend time with my Grandma Lindahl. WE also saw two sets of Aunts and UNcles and some of my cousins. WE had a great week in Wyoming, and Jonathan did AMAZING travelling!! He slept on all of the flights, and never did his ears seem to bother him. WE are hoping for more of the same when we travel to Colorado in mid-March.
I have really been enjoying staying at home with Jonathan, however starting next week I will be going back to work two nights a week. It will be good to go back, and this is really an ideal schedule, so I can't complain at all. Jonathan will stay with Grandma until Jeremy gets off work.
I have started trying to get out and take Jonathan for walks, we have even gone outside 3 times this week! WE just get all bundled up and go! :) And I think that he is even enjoying it! :) (he has to, there really is no option, I'm determined for him to like his stroller - best way for me to get back in shape). I'm looking foward to more of spring weather, which is probably a ways off, but when it is slightly nicer outside. I'm considering walking a half marathon this summer, I think it is a good goal. I had thought about doing the triathlon this year, but it's a little hard to train on the bike and swimming, so we'll go for the other option of walking a half! :) Hopefully I'll also find some other moms to walk it with me, because there are alot of new babies in our group of friends!
We are watching alot of the olympics right now, which is fun, I've been trying to get into the cross country skiing, curling, biathlon and hockey, since those are the only sports on during the day. So, I watch what is on. :)
WEll, not really a ton interesting to report at the moment, but I will add some pictures of Jonathan!
Oh, I could talk about JOnathan! haha - he has really been changing in the last couple of weeks. He is very interactive, and we have "conversations" together, he "goos" a ton, and is so sweet, and has the most precious smile! He also has this great pouty lip when he is about to cry, just makes your heart melt! He is lifting up his head well, although doesn't love his "tummy time" he woudl much rather be held. He has also started getting fixated on an object and will stare very intently! He has also been sleeping 7-8 hours at night consistently for about 4 weeks now, so that has been wonderful and makes for a much more rested mommy! :) He loves loves loves his bath time loves to kick his legs he can really get the water moving, and thinks it's great! he also loves getting his diaper changed and kicking his legs without any clothing on them! WEll, it sounds like he is waking up from his nap, so I should go! Enjoy the pictures!