Preferred shopping cart position, by blurred head, can tell that he was shaking back of seat back and forth.

Hiding in Grandma's cupboards

Uncle Dan likes to dress him like this :)

Favorite toy box

Sound asleep
It was weird actually getting to hang out at home last night, I think it was our first lazy Friday night in a long time. At first we were going to watch a movie on netflix, and then after browsing for about 45 min decided it was too late to start a movie, and after all, it being us, we watched some television episodes. I don't know what my issue is, I can so easily sit and watch two hours of tv shows, but a 2 hour movie seems like a daunting task. That being said, it was also weird sitting here and realizing that a week ago we were with family and friends celebrating the new year. I'm not a fan of holidays falling on the weekend, I feel like you just have to add in a celebration on top of what you want to do on the weekend, so I'm happy to have a somewhat relaxed weekend now. I also wanted to write down some of my goals for the new year. I've been seeing lots do that, and although they're nothing crazy, maybe if I write them down I'll feel more accountable to them. So, here goes:
~ Organize and clean out junk, get rid of things that I didn't use last year.
~ Work out regularly (so far, so good) - and we made a big step as a family today and joined a gym here, so we are really excited about that. Jeremy will be able to play racquetball with my dad and brothers and I am looking forward to the use of a pool again and getting to take Jonathan swimming, I also think it would be fun to take a group fitness class, we will see though
~ Spend more time playing with Jonathan - sometimes I find it easy to get involved in other things around the house and leave him to play by himself, or mostly pull out every toy/utensil/item in accessible cupboards
~ Read more to Jonathan - I had these plans that we would have regular story time every day, like after lunch and before bed, and right now he won't even sit still for two pages of a book - he loved books when he was younger, so I want to work on instilling in him a love for books, and being able to sit still longer :)
~ Less time on the computer
~ Finish two quilts - my 9-patch quilt and Alaska quilt (I would love for more, but I'm trying to be reasonable)
~ Learn to sew more little boy items
So, I think that's sort of what my goals are this year. It's sort of fun to think through it and write them down.

I think this was his first chocolate milk - at least first that I gave him, but I'm not sure that Grandma hadn't already given him chocolate milk ;) ... Grandma thinks Jonathan needs chocolate milk, mind you, I never got it growing up :)

Picking out his own food in refrigerator

He LOVES music, likes to play piano and listen to Uncle Ben play cello

Hanging out at a cross country meet

Watching a Husker game with Dad in Grandpa's garage and getting to swing - his favorite thing to do!
Well, I'm off to get some ironing and laundry done, we have Jeremy's company Christmas party tonight. (yep, this late, but better than the year it was held before Thanksgiving).
I've been working on getting all of my pictures off of my phone in hopes of getting a new one for my birthday. It's been somewhat of a process, but it's fun to look back at all the pictures, so here are a couple from our last year. Yep, I took about 700 pictures on my phone! yikes!

Watching Uncle Kelly and Aunt Ashley on "The Price is Right"

Helping unload the dishwasher

One of our hiking trips

I took this off the video monitor, he used to fall asleep like this! I can't imagine that it was comfortable, but he slept so I didn't care. :)
Ok, and I'm already failing at less time on the computer!