I don't even think I have new pictures to post, so I'm sure I am losing most readers at this point...
Jonathan is being a really fun 15 mo old! haha for the most part! Somehow he is learning to throw a tantrum! what the heck?!!? The most amusing time came a few days ago we were at Borders with my mom, and were in line to check out, we were splitting up our items and my mom thought it a good idea to give Jonathan his new puzzle to carry! Mind you, about two seconds later we had to hand it to the clerk so we could pay for it, so as I took it from his hands, he screamed and then threw (well gently laid himself down I guess, I didn't really see) and started kicking his legs and fussing! I was so not impressed, but just had to finish my transaction, and ignored him hoping that he wouldn't receive the attention he was looking for, but yes as I was looking away I was totally laughing - and somewhat embarrassed - but it really is sort of amusing that he knew what he wanted and thought he knew how to get it - and no he did not get the puzzle back in the store, although the clerk handed it to me thinking I should've given it to him, but I stood firm! However, he did get it at home later and is loving it! It is a large wooden Melissa and Doug puzzle with three large barnyard animals on it - perfect for his little hands - and the knobs are perfect for trying to put in his mouth and run around with! haha
A favorite thing of his right now is looking out the window! He enjoys standing on his little chair and looking out! It's super sweet to watch him!
And just today he has started signing "please" I decided it was time to start working on this one! He knows "all-done" but hasn't really grasped onto any other signs, and he started doing it and sort of strokes his chin - it's pretty cute!
WE are also super excited to be going to Colorado in just over a week! Mostly I am really hoping for some sunshine and it will be so fun to see Jeremy's family! WE are also going to get to see Kelly and Ashley and will be taking in the 1st and 2nd round games of the NCAA tournament in Denver, along with a trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs, with the coolest giraffe exhibit...should be a fun trip! And then on the way home Jonathan and I get to spend three days in Seattle with our good friends Matt and Liz and their two kiddos - so I'm super excited about that!!!
Another thing I did last weekend was clean out about half of Jonathan's toys and put them in a bin in the extra room. Of course as I was separating them they were all of a sudden his favorite toys and he fussed when we took the bucket downstairs, but what I've found is that he is actually playing with his toys a ton more than before! I think it isn't as overwhelming for him. I heard from somewhere that kids only need 10 toys - and thought I would at least aim towards that. But, I have noticed the difference in that he plays with his toys more, meaning my kitchen isn't pulled apart as often! I'm currently missing two pairs of kitchen tongs and the lid to my shaker that are yet to show up! haha And my plan will be to every few weeks or so trade out the toys, so that they are new and fresh! but, I also pulled out the ones with way too many pieces that I was tired of picking up! I don't think he's noticed yet. :) SO, just a parenting tip/thought that I've found beneficial!
OK, well I may have some pictures after all...so here is your reward if you made it to the bottom! :)
Because I have no idea what order they will upload in, a couple of pics of him swinging in the garage with Grandpa and Uncle Goo....the one on the track he was at a wrestling meet with Grandma and Grandpa, getting his workout in at the high school :) - he ran 4 laps!! ... then at my parents house he went down to the wrestling room and was looking for his uncles ready to wrestle - but they were at school.... learning to eat out of a bowl - without throwing it over! ... and enjoying his chair and looking out the window! ... eating a frozen go-gurt - a new favorite treat! :)