We are still in Talkeetna and Jonathan is having a great time with grandma and his uncles, I'm sure grandpa is disappointed he's out of town this weekend and missing out. Although this weekend turned out to not be what I planned, late Thursday night I realized that I left a bag of material and all my notions at home, so no cutting tools, thread, etc. with me. Very sad moment for me, but I'm making the most of the time I have here and enjoying the relaxed nature of this trip.
Helping Grandma with laundry
~~~ On to the trip ~~~
Excited to be going to Sea World
~ Sunday morning drove from Riverside back down to Sand Diego and spent the day at Sea World, Kelly came with us so was fun to still get to hang out with him.
~ Jonathan loved the dolphin show! There was a lot of activity so I think that captured his attention. It was really fun to watch him watch and enjoy the animals.
~ Kelly offered to watch J while Jeremy and I went on a river rapids ride - one where you are in a big round tube, with like 8 seats. Well, along the ride route spectators can pay .25 and spray water cannons at the riders. So, Kelly spent the best .75 of his life and let Jonathan shoot the water cannons, which I guess he LOVED pushing the button. And of course he got Mom and Dad SOAKED!! When we came off the ride he was all smiles and laughing, it was very cute actually!
~ the shark tank was another hit, he liked an area where we stood outside two panels of windows but he could see the sharks up close and got pretty excited about that.
~ We had to say good bye to Kelly at the end of the day, as he had to be back for PT in the morning, but not before dinner at Olive Garden.
~ Jeremy's conference started on Monday, so it was Jonathan and Mommy time. We actually had a great time together. I found a fun children's museum downtown and we spent some time there. I will post pictures of those from my camera later.
Jonathan playing at the children's museum
~ There was an area called Seaport Village right near the hotel so we spent some time walking through there Monday evening and again on Tuesday.
Where we ate along the bay for dinner one night.
Baby Belly - about 17 weeks
~ On Wednesday we got packed up in the morning and Jeremy's conference was over by 11:30, so we picked him up and went back to Sea World for a few hours - when we bought our tickets they were running a promotion that for the same price of one day you could come back all year. We probably won't be back this year, but was fun to spend one more afternoon there.
Waiting for the dolphin show to start
~ This time we were able to see the penquins, some beluga whales up close, a couple of polar bears, and the dolphin show again.
~ In the Arctic exhibit they had some sort of ice/snow caves to walk through, the coldness didn't seem to bother our Alaskan boy and he climbed all over the cold ice in his shorts!
~ It was time to head to the airplane after this. We had great flights home and Jonathan slept well on the late night flight this time!
Learning about moving walkways at the Portland airport - he thought this was great!