Helping with laundry/searching for his blanket

Eating peanut butter off the knife - defiantely learned this from Grandma Bray! :)
It seems this happens every year! We get tricked at the very beginning of the summer into thinking its going to be gorgeous all summer long and one week later we are lucky to see the sun again! Oh well, I try not to complain and we are making the most of the decent weather that we do have! One of my big goals was to find an outdoor slide and little climbing unit, or something for Jonathan this summer! However I wasn't about to pay full price so was busy watching my nearby second hand kids store, Kid 2 Kid, and was able to take a Saturday and do some garage saleing. I had been watching facebook and driving by Kid 2 Kid often to see what they had available, once making a crazy turn into their parking lot when I saw a slide out front, only to pull up and see it was sold and once before that racing down there when a play cube was posted on fb, yet again to pull up as another woman was loading it up! However, that trip wasn't all unsuccessful as I went inside to look around and they had sitting there in great condition the double stroller I had been looking at! WIN WIN!! So that was exciting! Oh, and every single item I called on through craigslist was already sold. It was evident that mom's looking for outdoor play equipment for toddlers were a vicious type and I was ready to play...

Talking on the phone to grandma :)
So, out to the garage sales I went...I actually don't love garage saleing, although I love the
of it. So, when there is a large neighborhood having one, that's my kind of garage sale, lots of houses in one neighborhood! I had missed two of the big weekends of the garage sale community already this year, so was excited to find out about one more. ~~~begin long sidenote: However, the weekend I did miss, didn't turn out to be all bad. i had mentioned to my mom that I was wanting another recliner - my current one has been living in Jonathan's room and I wanted to keep that there, but wanted one for the living room again. She shortly after found out her friend was selling two recliners in their neighborhood garage sale, and I got to go by and have an early look, put my name on one and picked it up when we got home from vacation! winner! I couldn't really justify buying another new recliner for this baby, but didn't really want a used one -weirds me out not knowing where it's been - but was so excited to buy it from friends! So, also that weekend, while Jeremy and I were in talkeetna, my youngest brother was going to check out the sales in their neighborhood and I mentioned that I was looking for a crib as well, so if he saw one, to text me a picture, not expecting much though. However, within about 45 min he sent me a pic of a great crib! I was able to set all the wheels in motion, got the money rounded up between my brothers and mom and they went and picked it up for me! Even better, it is a convertible crib and the mattress is in good shape, crib looks hardly used and I only paid $50!! woohoo! Truth is, I don't know exactly how it will be used, but do know there is a chance Jonathan will not be out of his crib by the time we need to move baby into the nursery, so am excited about the options this presented! ~~~~
Anyhow....then last weekend my mom and I got going early and headed out to see if I could find any outdoor toys for little J. After driving through the neighborhood with little luck we stumbled upon a great house! I think we were some of the first to get there, and it was ALL baby and kid stuff! I stopped first because I saw a slide, turned out to be $5!! woohoo! Funny story, I went to the lady to tell her I wanted to buy it, and she pointed to another lady and said "that's hers" I about panicked!! I thought "no"!! this is my slide!! What she really meant was it was two friends doing the garage sale, and it was the other lady's, so to buy it from her! haha Yes, I became a fanatic trying to find a slide. This house also turned out to have a little tikes playhouse that Jonathan thought was great, so we bought that, and two riding toys!! Yay! Success at last! The amusing thing was then trying to fit it all into the trailblazer, I ended up opening the back window part of the hatch and the slide was sort of hanging out of it, I felt like a hardcore garage saler then! The last find of the day was a pack n play, I've been borrowing a friends for awhile, but thought it time to get my own, since they recently had another child. I actually found what is a co-sleeper, but can be used as a pack n play, same size as, and actually sturdier than a pack n play, later found out they retail around $180 and I got for $20! woohoo!

THE House that we found! He loves it and has enjoyed playing in it so far!
So, all in all I've been pretty pleased with my garage sale finds, and am quickly whittling down on my list of things I need for baby #2.

I was cooking dinner, had my back turned for about 2 seconds, and he was on the back of the couch, and actually stood between the couch and window on the window seal! haha

Helping Daddy with his sit ups
Oh, you want to hear about Jonathan?!?! Hmmm....well he's climbing on everything!! and this kid is fast! It amazes me how quickly he can be from one thing to the next around the house. Jeremy was home all weekend and was great in spending extra time with him and at the end of the weekend he admitted that it is alot more tiring than he thought watching him all day, as he is quite quick and when he wants in something, he finds a way to get it! We invested in a family pass to the zoo this year, so we went on Saturday, so that was fun - well sort of, Jonatahn was way done, about half way through and it only takes about an hour to 1 1/2 hrs to get through our zoo - he was just super tired! Ok, well I will add some pics in of the little one.

Jeremy taking Jonathan, Miles and Clair for a walk

At the zoo - so ready to go home!

Climbed onto the dishwasher door - another new favorite now that he can open it and pulled down the cookie scoop and was licking it out! can't blame him for that - although I'm not ready to share with him! :)
Oh and on the pregnancy side of things I am now 22 weeks and feeling all 22 weeks of this baby! I am definately feeling more pregnant like and I think this baby seems to be higher than Jonathan was and already am having a harder time bending over to tie shoes and silly things like that. We went in for an ultrasound about 2 weeks ago and baby looked very healthy so we were glad to hear that, and it is still a secret as to boy/girl. :) Last night baby I think was trying to escape from my belly I woke up a number of times getting jabbed and kicked and baby rolling around. Although, it sure is fun to feel baby move. :)

22 weeks prego