And now here it is the end of August and I'm finally on here again - actually I am often on here, because I check and read everyone else's blogs, but don't seem to update my own. But, think it's time for a quick update :)
I am now 33 weeks! Which is crazy to me! Baby continues to be super active, and as a friend described, my belly is like a bowl of Jell-o! Love that description, because it is so true! I am starting to finally accept the fact that baby is coming and it is time for me to get with the game and get things done around the house that I need/want to do. {hubby is loving my growing to-do lists} ;) I'm still sick every morning and am finally putting on some weight, which I think is probably a good thing for little one.
I think it is easier getting into baby mode now, because my mindset has been that baby comes when summer is over, and so I got to enjoy summer and then start making preparations for baby. What is interesting is having to remember some of the things that I need to do for baby. Not nearly as much as last time, but some basic things that need to get done, like pulling out the newborn clothes and getting them washed, setting up the cradle and it also looks like we will be moving Jonathan into his new room before baby comes, so getting his new room set up.
I was just talking to Jeremy tonight and I really think this has been my best summer ever! It started out fun, and has continued that way. In May we went to California as a family, June was my trip to Hawaii, July was gorgeous and hot and we had some company and then this last week I got to go down to the Seattle area to visit one of my very good friends, and we had a great week together, and I got to leave Jonathan with Grandma! :) AND, and I experienced 80 degree weather every month of the summer! Doesn't get much better than that for attitude and keeping spirits high! :)
So, as mentioned I went away last week, and was truly refreshed from the week away. I got to spend the week chatting and catching up and helping her move (haha as much help as a 32 wk prego is) :) - but we had a great time! And I think one of my favorite things was traveling with just a carry on bag, and just having one flight, oh and flying by myself was quite pleasant! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Jonathan, but it was refreshing to do something a little different, and I knew that he was well taken care of. And yes, maybe a little pathetic that "wild and crazy" to me was now flying by myself, with only a carry on - don't judge me :).
Jonathan had a blast with Grandma - Jeremy would go over after work to help with bath and bedtime (the easiest time of the day), but then Jonathan still got to see Daddy some. I also was treated to a number a picture texts of my little man throughout the week and he would talk to me on the phone a little bit each day - so those were special moments and he was sooo excited to see me when I got home - it was very sweet and he is not letting me get too far out of sight right now either.
Well, fall must be upon us, which I'm looking forward to. Although we don't have anyone attending school this year, there are still other things starting up that will keep up busy and it is nice to have a schedule to stick to. And the other sign that it must be fall time is that we are in a state of watching constant Nebraska Husker games, getting ready for a new season. College football starts this weekend!
All right, well no pictures tonight - hopefully later this week. But I wanted to update this some and be able to reflect on what a great summer this was and I think I'm ready to transition into fall.