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Saturday, September 17, 2011

36 weeks

I was of course in my game day outfit today and remembered I had a picture of myself in this same outfit when I was pregnant with Jonathan. So, I pulled it up, and realized that it was at 28 weeks, and about to grow out of the shirt! So, yes, this baby is much smaller than he was!

I am at the point of ready for this baby to come. We have completed most of my nesting checklists. I still need to pack a hospital bag and would like to get some meals made and in the freezer, oh and the cradle needs to get put together, but otherwise I'm feeling good about things. I spent this last week going through things like crazy! With lots of help from my mom! I was searching for one specific item in a bin in the crawl space, and it took Jeremy pulling up 18 or something bins before finding it! Yikes! that was a wake up call - I had forgotten half of the stuff I had down there. So we pulled up all the bins, and I emptied out 13 or 14 of them I believe. Lots of linens, old clothes (reality has hit that I probably won't be wearing them soon, and when they do fit, are going to be way old)...finally got rid of some old school books, went through baby clothes a little more thoroughly, didn't save every single item, etc. It feels so good to have had so much leave the house. A little scary, but such a great feeling! I donated alot and some went to the dump. This wasn't part of my original "to do" list, but I am so glad that it got done! I remember before and after having Jonathan I felt like I sorted through things I was hanging onto, but now with baby #2 on the way, it is even more reality that I am either not going to go back and use whatever random item I have held onto, or don't really need that decorative item, etc. It seems easier and easier to part with stuff, and hopefully I will remember that and bring less into the home in the first place.

Jonathan - 28 weeks

Baby #2 - 36 weeks

Jonathan and Daddy watching football


Just a few more pictures to add to call this blog up to date!

The sleeping and snuggling pictures are so rare that I HAD to take them and HAVE to post them - how bad is it that I really enjoyed the fact that he wasn't feeling well today, because he was so cuddly and I loved that!! .... Finally discovered a way to keep him strapped in the cart at Target - use one of the big carts with a five point harness! Doesn't matter how tight I tighten the shopping cart strap, at some point during our trip, I turn around and he is wiggling himself out and standing or headed to the back of the shopping basket, or saying "mom" as he comes diving for me! .... another picture of him on the counter, dipping apples into the caramel dip he discovered I had up there :) and only needs a kitchen chair to get up there now - awesome! (notice sarcasm) .... I know thesea re really random and out of order, but you get pictures at least! :) So enjoy!

My mom was helping me get something down from above the cupboards and Jonathan got on his own barstool and was helping too!

Crafty things....

This post is about me :)

A little while back I was ready to replace my current earring and necklace holders, so spent an afternoon and got these finished! I bought the frames at Michael's in their clearance section - usually on super good discount because there is some type of deformity, or the glass is broken. Then I already had on hand the material from some that I had done for Christmas presents this past year. I then painted on a silver coating to the frames, let that dry. Glued the material to the backing piece and placed that in the frame and then added the bows for a little bit of embellishment! and ta da! all done! Oh, and for the necklaces, I bought some large clasps in the jewelry section and am using those to hang the necklaces from, which is seeming to work pretty well! I'm please with my little afternoon project!


Jonathan LOVES to dip anything he can, I thought it was pretty cute that he got himself up to the counter (by standing on the dishwasher door) and started dipping the carrots into the large bowl of ranch dressing. He was even thorough enough to try and put the lids back on the bowls - such a big boy!

More pictures

Yes, it's time to update this with some pictures, so here are more .... really no order, just a lot of Sports Authority, he loves to go grab a baseball glove, helmet and bat and run around with them, it's pretty cute! .... also enjoys playing his little guitars (ukulele) .... and Uncle Goo got a new truck, and Jonathan thinks it is pretty much the coolest thing ever, and LOVES getting to sit in it with him.

Pushed his booster seat over to help him climb up on the barstool and get the grapes he wanted - he now no longer needs the booster, just climbs up the barstool on his own.

He either rode down the stairs, or pushed the car down and followed it, not sure which it was, but he wasn't hurt (not a surprise)

Sweet pictures

SO I mentioned in a previous post that I got to spend a wonderful week with my friend Liz, and although it was hard to be away from my little man (and my big man), the joy of having a texting literate mom is that I got lots of photos to keep me seeing what was going on in his little life. Notice that most of these are while he is eating - that's the easiest time to snap a shot, as he is sitting still :). I loved getting all of my "good morning Mom!" photos! :)

Texting with Grandma on his phone

Had his "dew-rag" on - ready to go weld with his uncles in the garage!