We went in on Monday for our 20 week ultrasound and then had the follow up appt on Wed with the Dr. The ultrasound on Mon took about 30-40 min - they did a lot of measuring and taking pictures of the baby. It is so amazing what all can be seen. WE could see the heart beating, the valves working, the blood flowing, all the organs (at least they said so, that was harder to tell). And the ultrasound tech did a good job of not letting us know the sex of the baby! I'm not sure if he even looked down there sicne he never told us to look away, or he did and we were too naive to even know what was on the screen! Either way, it's not written on our file or anything, so no chances of finding out - this baby is still a secret to all but God.

(this one to the left we decided is baby's Heisman pose) :)
We also found out that baby is measuring very proportionately and actually on the large size. Baby is measuring more like 22 weeks, rather than 20 weeks. So, either they dated baby wrong and I am really 22 weeks along, or they dated me right and I am 20 weeks with a large baby! So we have an average to large baby on our hands. But, they are leaning more towards the large baby and I'm 20 weeks, because that very first ultrasound they did at like 6 weeks is supposed to be the most accurate in dating. So, we'll see how big this baby gets. (does make me feel a little bit better about my weight gain, that combined with my short midriff, so the dr. really isn't concerned about any of that, which is nice).
Jeremy and I are trying to get out for a walk at least once a day with eachother and with Miles which has been great for me and I'm feeling better with that, and of course Miles loves it! We've even been waking up early in the morning to go! (early as in 6:30-7:00, early for us).
Other than those things, everything seems to be progressing very normally. Jeremy has been super great, helping with dinner in the evenings and around the house, my energy seems to come and go, so I do what I can when I'm able to, but the last few nights I've been exhausted. But, Jeremy can make tacos, pasta and hamburgers, so there's always at least something to eat and I"m not complaining! :) All right, well on to try and post these pictures, and hopefully they will come up this time!
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