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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, September 21, 2009

29 weeks gone = 11 weeks to go

baby room with crib, glider, corner of changing table, curtains

29 week and 3 day belly

the monkey bathroom

monkey bathroom - we saw this bathroom stuff and thought it was so cute so decided to do the downstairs bathroom with it - and yes realizing that the baby really won't be using this bathroom for a couple of years (esp since there isn't a bathtub, unfortunately, in there), so really it was our grown up excuse for a cute bathroom! :)

shelving and baskets

baby room - changing table, crib

Jeremy painting

WE got the baby room done this weekend! Yay! I got to help out and my job was to paint the dots on which was fun. I am so happy with how it all turned out it feels so warm and relaxing in there I'm jsut excited to have the baby in there now and to make use of the room!! Jeremy did an awesome job with the paint and was so great about doing basically all of it on his own, since I had a hard time handling the smell of the paint. THanks to his classic college football recordings that he watched! :) Baby is continuing to grow - I think I'm hititng the phase of constant desire to eat!! I am starving all the time right now! I had to do the 3 hour glucose tolerance test last Monday because I didn't pass the first one, so I was very excited to find out that I passed this one! I have to watch my concentrated sweets intake, but everything else should be good, so I was grateful to hear that! well, time to get on with dinner and rest. I've been coming down with a sore throat, so I'm going to try and get some extra rest!


  1. I love the baby room! I want to be there to hang out with you and see your baby stomach in person, and thank your husband for being such a good supportive man for you!!!!!!!! You look cute in your glasses. I don't think I've ever seen them. I miss you!

  2. baby room is adorable - the background to your blog looks like the baby room. Seeing your room all put together makes me excited to start painting our little boy's room which Tyler will be painting for me :)
