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Sunday, November 29, 2009

39 weeks 1 day

Well, I have completed my first week of no work, which was great, it was a very productive and fun week, and I loved being off because it was a holiday week and actually felt like a holiday week. NOt, "oh hey, there's a holiday tomorrow, and I get a day off", so that was fun too! I had fun baking and cooking with my mom. Also worked on some small things around the house.

Jeremy and I (well, basically Jeremy) got our Christmas decorations up this weekend. We wanted to get it done this weekend, not knowing what the next couple of weeks could look like, however I was so exhausted and lethargic almost, that I became the manager of the operation, which he didn't so much appreciate, so I would jsut fall back asleep. :) I did get ornaments on the tree today though, so I did do something. We had to rearrange our living room again, and I like how it has turned out. If I had thought about it, I would've taken pictures of the tree, but I didn't, so those will come at a later time.

WE went to my parents for dinner tonight, which was alot of fun, Robby and Kara were back from Penn (went to visit her extended family for the holiday) and Kelly was still home from break, so it was fun the whole family being up at my parents hanging out and having dinner. I have been so blessed to have such an awesome family, parents, siblings and sisters-in-law. I love hanging out with all of them! Well, here are the most recent pictures, I had JEremy take a couple pictures of me tonight, so these are as current as they get! Amazing to think that hopefully not too soon this little one will be on the outside and I will actually be able to hold him/her!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

38 wks 5 days

After three days of cooking I was exhausted - waiting at my parents house until Jeremy got home from the Shootout games. - 38 1/2 weeks
Baby shower - opening gifts

How big is Brandy game - I really don't feel this huge, but this picture makes me feel huge i think. - this is 36 weeks!

Well, i am still here and pregnant - mostly just in the uncomfortable stage and ready to meet this little one more than anything. i would be perfectly content to go into labor at any point, but also trying to not be too anxious, and still try to keep my sights set on at least another week or more, but who knows. I'm mostly just updating this post some pics from my mom's camera that we just got on the computer. Not a whole lot new to report. I am done working, which is such a wonderful feeling!! I love it! I spent Monday and Tuesday cooking and freezing meals, which i am super pleased with having gotten done. I went grocery shopping with my mom on Sunday (weekend before Thanksgiving, not a great day to go, but we made it fun!) then cooked mostly all day Mon and Tues. Then on Wed helped my mom some with Thanksgiving stuff, she did the majority of it, but I got to hang out and help some. We also went for manicures yesterday, which was so wonderful to get done! Hmmm....that's about all that I can think of for now - all of my baby to do lists are pretty well crossed off, maybe a few minor things, but the big things are done!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

35 weeks

OK, this is going to be super quick, purely for the purpose of posting pics tonight. Things are going well here, I am very anxious to meet this little one. I love all the movement, but am getting more uncomfortable day by day it seems. keeping up with walking and some pool time, btu also lots of rest. Staying at my parents house right now, and keeping up with all the animals is keeping me busy enough. (2 dogs and a cat). i went over to Laura's tonight with Natalie and we did some quilting and hung out which was fun, and all the dogs got to play, which they loved! Included is a picture of the three of us, with the dogs and our pregnant bellies! Well, here are the pictures! More later!