How big is Brandy game - I really don't feel this huge, but this picture makes me feel huge i think. - this is 36 weeks!
Well, i am still here and pregnant - mostly just in the uncomfortable stage and ready to meet this little one more than anything. i would be perfectly content to go into labor at any point, but also trying to not be too anxious, and still try to keep my sights set on at least another week or more, but who knows. I'm mostly just updating this post some pics from my mom's camera that we just got on the computer. Not a whole lot new to report. I am done working, which is such a wonderful feeling!! I love it! I spent Monday and Tuesday cooking and freezing meals, which i am super pleased with having gotten done. I went grocery shopping with my mom on Sunday (weekend before Thanksgiving, not a great day to go, but we made it fun!) then cooked mostly all day Mon and Tues. Then on Wed helped my mom some with Thanksgiving stuff, she did the majority of it, but I got to hang out and help some. We also went for manicures yesterday, which was so wonderful to get done! Hmmm....that's about all that I can think of for now - all of my baby to do lists are pretty well crossed off, maybe a few minor things, but the big things are done!!
Thanks for posting! It's fun to see your little one growing. I'm praying for you as your due date gets closer and closer. Love you!