Well, here are some pictures of our last couple of weeks. Starting at the top is the group of friends that we started hanging out with as newlyweds and now we all have children, some families two! This group of friends has been such a blessing to us. ONe couple moved this last week, which was very sad, but I know we'll see eachother again! And we are looking forward to watching our babies grow together and hopefully become playmates.
I've been going walking once a week with a couple of friends, which is a nice reason to get out with our strollers. WE are going to do the Heart Run tomorrow, a 5K, but are going to walk it, I'm not really in running shape (but when was I ever?) :).
I also put in my notice at work this week, which is very exciting for me, my last day will be May 20, I wanted to give them plenty of time to start interviewing and start training someone new. Jeremy recently received a promotion at work, becoming the CHief Financial Officer at the credit union, which he is very excited about doing. He is looking forward to the new challenge and learning new things, and putting his MBA more to use. (which he should be done with by this fall, I am told).
Jonathan has been doing great. He is still sleeping his 10+ hours at night, which is so wonderful for us. He is also becomnig very vocal. (Not sure who he gets that from!) :) He has started this high pitched screech whenever we walk out of a room or turn our back to him - that's just great! haha We also got him to really laugh this week, which was super cute. He has always made lots of happy noise, but this was a real laugh. :) He is starting to grab everything possible. As you can see with him and Jeremy's coffee cup. I have had him in his Bumbo chair on the counter with me and I can't have anything close to him, he was grabbing the back of hamburger buns the other night and a couple weeks ago I was cleaning out cabinets, and had some glasses sitting near him and he hit them, sending one rolling off the counter. He is also enjoying story time and reading books with mommy. We made our first trip to the library with him this week. I went to the kids section with him and got a couple board books. However, its not easy keeping him quiet in the library, so daddy had to make his selections quickly. :)
I think that's about all going on here. I"ve jsut been working on cleaning out rooms and doing some spring cleaning of sorts ,which feels good to get done. And we are hoping that we don't get much more snow - we had some really wet stuff yesterday. yuck!
Anyhow, I think I hear JOnathan starting to wake up, so should get on with my morning! Enjoy the pictures!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
making my Paska
The biggest thing this last week is that we moved Jonathan out of the cradle in our room down to his own crib in his bedroom downstairs - now all the hard work on his room before he came seems worth it! :) It just seemed like it was time, he was growing out of the cradle, and I had always said by four months we would move him out, and he turned four montsh yesterday! It has gone really well, I think maybe it was harder on mommy than Jonathan, but we have a video monitor that I love having and I can see him moving and be able to tell if he really needs us to come down or not. I think once or twice we've had to go down in the middle of the night to get him his binky, but that's about it. WE have been struggling more with the napping downstairs, so the up and down the stairs has turned into a bit of a workout for me, but oh well. :)
We are headed over to my parents house in just a little bit for Easter dinner, we have had a lazy Sunday afternoon here, which has been relaaxing, I am making some bread - Paska - which I got from my friend Rachel - they are FINALLY baking, and smells so so good!!
I am now realizing that we didn't get a super great picture of Jonathan in his little suit today, nor did we get a family picture taken, oh well, so it goes. BUt, he's stil cute! :) Enjoy the pictures!
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