making my Paska
The biggest thing this last week is that we moved Jonathan out of the cradle in our room down to his own crib in his bedroom downstairs - now all the hard work on his room before he came seems worth it! :) It just seemed like it was time, he was growing out of the cradle, and I had always said by four months we would move him out, and he turned four montsh yesterday! It has gone really well, I think maybe it was harder on mommy than Jonathan, but we have a video monitor that I love having and I can see him moving and be able to tell if he really needs us to come down or not. I think once or twice we've had to go down in the middle of the night to get him his binky, but that's about it. WE have been struggling more with the napping downstairs, so the up and down the stairs has turned into a bit of a workout for me, but oh well. :)
We are headed over to my parents house in just a little bit for Easter dinner, we have had a lazy Sunday afternoon here, which has been relaaxing, I am making some bread - Paska - which I got from my friend Rachel - they are FINALLY baking, and smells so so good!!
I am now realizing that we didn't get a super great picture of Jonathan in his little suit today, nor did we get a family picture taken, oh well, so it goes. BUt, he's stil cute! :) Enjoy the pictures!
Love the photos - especially the one of you and Jonathan, both smiling.