Our little Cowboy with Uncle Dan and Uncle Ben
Loved his hands here - probably watching tv with dad :)
WEll, Jonathan has been asleep for almost 11 hours now! So of course as soon as I start this, I'm sure that he will decide that it is time to wake up! We got back Saturday night from a wonderful week in Colorado with Jeremy's family. I love having sunshine and getting to go out and take walks during the day with Jonathan! He also started rolling over while we were there, so that was fun for all of them to get to see. HE went from back to tummy, but can't figure out the tummy to back way, so he gets to his tummy then starts fussing to be rolled back over to do it again! It was very fun watching him learn how to get over though!
He has been holding his head up a ton lately, when he is on his tummy and pulling his arms in front of him, getting hismelf positioned to learn how to crawl in a few months I'm guessing. I am of course just loving this time. WE had a couple days of adjusting after getting home, I'm calling it "Post Grandparent Stress Syndrome", when there isn't a grandparent around to pick you up at the slightest fuss, and same for mom, there isn't a grandparents around to pick him up all the time. :) so, we've been doing lots of cuddling and loving on eachother! :)
Well, I will add a couple new pictures before he wakes up I hope! :)
Sweet little one. It's fun watching him grow, even from so far away.