It's been a sort of busy and fun last couple of weeks! Currently Jeremy's mom and step dad are visiting and we are really enjoying having them here. Especially Jonathan! Amazing how quickly he can switch into grandparent mode and know that at the slightest whimper someone will be there to pick him up or to play with him! :) THey went on a train trip on Monday and Jeremy worked, so after a whole weekend with them, I had Jonathan to myself and man oh man, he sure thought I shouldn't put him down the entire day!
In other big Jonathan news - we have a sitter! He sits for a few minutes at a time, but then tumbles, but not as hard as when he was first learning. He can't get himself back up sitting, but sure is proud of himself when he is sitting up. He has been very vocal (we don't know who he gets that from :)!) lately! Especially when we reading books, he loves to look at the pictures.
We also did Jonathan's 2nd "run" a week ago, this time 5 miles. IT was the Alaska Women's Run, there was a group of ladies from the church we did it with, as well as my mom's neighbor and good friend. WE did it as a walk, but had a great time!
We continue our company next week when Jeremy's dad and nephew come up. We are looking forward to having them up also! Collin has never been to AK, so it will be fun to do some of the first time Alaskan things.
And, Jonathan's getting to sleep at night seems to be getting better. As crazy as it sounds, it seems that he is just a night owl, I can start bedtime routine with him at 7, and he will then cry until almost 11, or we start at 9, and he will be sound asleep by 9:30/10:00. And is sleeping in until 8:30/9:00. I would love for him to go to bed earlier, but for now, I'm just going to be content with him at least sleeping. He is still waking for one night feeding, but I'm used to that again now, so it isn't so hard on my sleep schedule.
Jeremy and I have also been able to get some time together with Grandma here, we went out for coffee yesterday which was really nice to get outside, and then this morning we woke up early and went to my parents house to watch the US-ALgeria game. (as part of our moeny saving efforts, we got rid of cable for now, so didn't get the ESPN game). But, that was fun to do. Ok, this was going to be a short update, here are pictures, your reward if you made it through this. :)