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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rice Cereal

We just had a monumental moment here at our house!! Jonathan ate almost his whole serving of cereal that I made for him. A friend suggested trying with coconut milk and a fruit. So we did - hoping that's all ok for him, but I'm not too concerned. So I mixed the oatmeal stuff with coconut milk and a mango baby food. I didn't make a huge serving, but he ate almost all of it. NOrmally we don't make it past bite #2. He did try to spit it back at me, but quickly remembered not to do that, or he gets flicked. :( So, maybe we can keep going in the right direction here! I would love for him to eat more solids, I think it would help him sleep through the night. He's 18 pounds, no wonder he's waking up to eat, he needs more calories in him I think, so I'm trying my best! :)


  1. Good job Mommy! Wish I could see him in person!!

  2. Yea Jonathan!!!! good job sticking to it Brandy and trying many times till you found a way he liked to eat it - that is so exciting

