So, I've been thinking about this post for awhile, and it's time to get some of my thoughts out. Recently I was filling out a form and it asked for "occupation" and much to my shock, I stumbled over my answer. What am I? What do I do? First I thought "wife", but no, I'm also a mommy. Stay at home mom? NO, I'm more than just that, and then it popped in my head, "homemaker". Homemaker, wow that doesn't sound nearly as great as past things I could've filled in there, baker, that was fun, server, fun, restaurant manager, wow I had really achieved something there. But well, now, I'm a homemaker. Wait Brandy, this is the occupation I've been wanting to fulfill my whole life, I never desired to be those other things, ya I enjoyed it, and I was good at it, but this is what I have been wanting and praying for for so long, and I was struggling to write it down. But, alas I did. :) But, it got me thinking, I really am a homemaker, and I do love every bit of it. Yes, there are definately days when I think it would be so much easier to just drop Jonathan off and go to a job outside of the home, he can get exhausting, and especially in this stage we are in, but but nothing is as satisfying as this. I get to see every little thing that Jonathan does. Recently, I have gotten to see him start to stand and take a couple of steps, just the other day he started to clap his hands a little. He also loves to make noise on anything possible. But, more than that, I get to make this house of ours into a home. I get to see my husband off to work in the morning (I used to leave before him), making him a lunch and talking to him while he eats breakfast, I'm here during the day, cleaning throughout the week so that I don't have one day that I have to get it all done. This is a trick that took me a little while to figure out, but I think I've scheduled my weeks better now. And in my "spare" time, i get to work on fun projects, currently I'm into things that have to do with fall, and trying to find fun things to make for boys - not nearly as fun as creating for a girl, but I'm finding things to do. I truly do enjoy everything about what I get to do as being a homemaker, a stay at home mom. I get to spend time with other moms during the day. I even get to do a Bible study during the day now, something that would've never been possible before. I am truly so grateful for getting to do what I do, and hope that I don't forget it!

My little laundry helper! This is his favorite blanket, he sleeps with it, knows that it means time to nurse, etc., so it cracked me up his persistence in trying to get it out of the dryer.

My guys getting a little rest after a long night - yes, really that means I should've been sleeping too. :)
Your job sounds amazing. Don't get me wrong, I like my job. But, someday, this is the career I desire.