Ok, these pics are pretty much in reverse order, but they at least have captions :) - ok and for the most part the captions are on top of the picture, and a couple are a little off, but pretty self explanatory - sorry but I've been working on this way too long, and it is dinner time! :)
Some of the kiddos in the hallway, the two older boys loved running up and down the hallway - a sign of what is to come for us in the next couple of years
I loved this picture I caught of Jonathan and Renee and her son Emerson, all smiles and happy
The kiddos working on their pumpkins, I loved watching Levi focused on his pumpkin scooping
Jeremy and I holding Jonathan's hands to paint our pumpkin, ok so not really the greatest idea with an 11 mo old, especially when EVERYTHING goes in his mouth and his reflexes are quite quick, but between the two of us we didn't get paint anywhere else
Moms and their kiddos working on the pumpkins
Kiddos totally done with the picture thing
Starting out taking pictures, constant movement, just had to snap as possible - Melanie did a great job trying to keep my little one on the couch, because he was determined to not stay there!
Trying to get the kids positioned and ready to go
I LOVE this one of Natalie and Kaleb - so sweet - both of them
We had a cow, Buzz Lightyear and a Tiger playing in our living room
Laura's really yummy spider web cheesecake
The pumpkin cupcakes I made - I got to use all the cake decorating stuff I bought for the class I did this summer - yay
We used fingerpaints to do "handprints" on a fake pumpkin. It actually turned out pretty cute, and my idea is that it is something I can use as a decoration next year.
More Handprints, Jonathan didn't love doing this, but put up with us :)
ROAR!! - my little Tiger - just waking up from his nap
Attempting a pumpkin carving Sat night, Jonathan was actually totally afraid of it, and wouldn't put his hand in, right after I snapped this picture he turned around and essentially crawled up Jeremy and clung to his neck. Unlike anything he's done before, but wanted nothing to do with the pumpkin.
Jonathan's pumpkin turned out great. There are a few good looking handprints on it which is impressive with an 11 month old. How fun that you used a fake pumpkin - 'cause then you'll always have it and can tell Jonathan as he gets older that it was his very first pumpkin :)