Miles really is good to Jonathan and is mostly gentle, sometimes though when Jonathan is teasing him, Miles can get a little excited and jumpy, but for the most part is really good. This usually happens when Jonathan grabs Miles bag of treats and walks around with it, this of course drives Miles CRAZY!!! And Miles is chasing after Jonathan and jumping up and down for the bag of treats! {this picture is of Jonathan with the treat bag, although I had to take the picture from above him - as soon as he sees the camera he starts to come toward me, making picture taking a new art form now}
The other day Jonathan grabbed a stuffed Nebraska helmet ornament off the tree (I'm sure everyone has one of those on their tree) and Jonathan was wandering around with it, loving that it has an elastic hanger, so was bouncing it and shaking and it looked like way too much of a toy for Miles to not leave it along, so was of course jumping for it, and I think at one point actually knocked Jonathan down, which didn't even phase Jonathan. I then decided it was time for that ornament to be taken away and put up higher :).
Another thing that Jonathan loves is to kiss Miles, or more of for Miles to kiss him! He will go over to him with an open mouth and Miles of course will oblige and kisses him all over his lips! yuck! We do try to keep this to a minimum, but is quite comical. I love it when I can hear Jonathan just cracking up laughing and I will look over and Miles is just licking him like crazy!! One time I put Miles on the other side of the gate - I'm sure he was annoying me somehow - and Jonathan went over to tease him essentially I think, but he got up right next to the gate and kissed him through the gate. Lovely. {hmmm the picture below it looks like Miles is biting Jonathan, but I assure you, that is not the case, and it was a bit hard to capture Miles kissing him through the gate, but this is Jonathan's excitement over what was going on}
And another time, I was holding Jonathan, trying to get him to give me kisses, which he was not doing very well, but I then put him down and he went straight to Miles to give him kisses!! Yep, I was feeling the love!
This picture is one morning, when we opened up the kennel for Miles to come out and Jonathan went over to encourage him to come out and play, it was pretty cute as he sat there waiting for Miles to come out. It was totally like he was sitting there and saying "it's time to get up already! you've slept long enough now come out and play with me!"
So, these are just a couple of the fun stories of these two and it's fun to watch them together and I am looking forward to seeing Jonathan grow up with a dog, because so far he really enjoys it!
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