Learning to Drive - hanging out in Uncle Goo's (Danny's) Bronco
Lunch with friends - moms were planning camping trip, so kids got to all play together
Ready to play baseball - another current favorite, when we are at my parents house, he goes and finds a baseball bat and helmet and wears them around.
More driving experience
It's only ten am, and it's already "one of those days" - you know, the one where you wake up, great mood, going to get tons accomplished, life is looking good, etc. And then, little bit wakes up and is raring to go! I went to get him and he already had his pants and socks off, curtains in a tangle, kleenex box knocked off night table next to him, but I still was determined that it would be a good day. The sun is out, I quickly made plans to go to Music in the Park downtown, so at least we have an escape from here shortly. WE get upstairs and he immediately goes to an open cupboard with the cheetos and tries to convince me that would be a good breakfast. Nope, I win this one. Meanwhile, I get him breakfast going and he eats a good meal, so that's a plus but when he gets down from the highchair it is full steam ahead! The current source of contention is the dishwasher. He has learned how to open it and thinks that is great! And yes, I mistakenly was allowing him to at first, also thinking it was cute, however, cute quickly turns to a nuisance, turns to annoying, turns to frustrating!!! AGH! So I started yesterday with deciding it was no longer allowed. And when he went to open it, was spanking him for it, stern NO and moving him away from it. Well, we continued this for a long while, and another thing he has started doing is he pats/spanks his own leg after I do!!!! Seriously child?!?!? So, today when he went to the dishwasher I started with just a "no", he closed it, clapped his hands for himself, then spanked his own leg. This did continue for a few times until he moved away from it. Then while I ran out to the garage to look for my camera and came back in, he was standing on the dishwasher door and had spilled my coffee all over himself!! Thankfully I put enough creamer in it that it wasn't too hot, and I never get it drank very quickly, so it obviously didn't seem to bother him. However, I was still trying to get him to obey me over the dishwasher, so while I was cleaning up the coffee mess, I attempted a timeout on the rug in front of the fridge right near me, of course that was just an invitation to see how quickly he could get up and run across the living room and boy was it fun to see how quick mom in her pregnant state could get out of her crouched position and chase his across the room. AGH!!! This happened a good 10 times I would guess. He was racing over to the couch and literally started launching himself from about two feet away to jump on to the couch. Maybe he thought if he got on the couch it was a safe zone and I couldn't get him. He finally sat still in a timeout and I got the mess cleaned up - thankfully a majority of it did land in the dishwasher, and gave me good reason to clean the cupboards, since I was already down on my hands and knees. While I was finishing this, Jonathan did come over to me and gave me a big hug and kiss, his way of saying sorry. So, maybe I slightly got through to him.
We then headed downstairs to change his clothes, and my footstool was in front of his crib, so he used that and pulled himself up and climbed into his crib!! I stood and watched in shock, he can get those little legs moving so quick and so determined, it is quite impressive sometimes. I took this as a hint that he really wanted a morning naptime, but by the sounds from the monitor, doesn't sound like that is happening, but this momma needed a few minutes of rest.
Stories and mornings like this really do amuse me, and maybe that's the hardest thing, I'm trying so hard to work on discipline and obedience, yet at the same time some of the things he does cracks me up! Seriously, do you know how hard it is to spank your child especially when it obviously doesn't phase him, and he then does it himself?! So, I'm going to be having to figure out some new form of discipline.
So, here's to hoping the rest of the day goes a bit smoother and maybe he just needed to chill in his crib for a bit and have some time to himself.
Sounds like you're doing a great job, Brandy! It seems sometimes these little guys intentionally cause all the trouble they possibly can just to get a reaction. Hmm. Little boogers :) Anyway, if you're interested in reading books on parenting, one that I have really loved and seems really practical and effective so far is called "Love & Logic: The Early Years." Their goal is to help you apply logical consequences to your child without breaking a sweat, and while showing them plenty of empathy and love. Everyone has different theories, but this one resonates with me :) Just a thought :)
ReplyDeleteANyway, SUCH cute pictures! I love the one of him and all his friends! These boys are growing up too fast!!!!!
Thanks Christa! Yes, I think you're on to something with them trying to get a reaction! It really does amaze me how quick they can pick up on something. Yes, I have heard of that book, and think that I even had it in my amazon shopping cart at one point, but will look into it again. It's hard to figure out exactly what will "work" with him, somedays one thing works and the next day it doesn't. Thanks for your encouragement :) and yes, the pic of him sitting with his friends I think I about cried, it just seemed like he was too little to be sitting at a big boy table with his friends, it seems too soon, but guess I better get ready for it! :)