Wow, this past week or more Jonathan has discovered a whole new world! Although he has had the abliity to crawl, he much preferred his rolling and schooching version to get around and would only crawl a few "steps", but then last Tuesday it was like a light bulb went on, and he realized that if he kept with it, he could get more places faster!!! It has been eye opening to me (as to things to get out of his reach) and so much fun to watch him! And for probably the last two weeks or more, he is really into pulling himself up on EVERYTHING! legs, tables, chairs, the bathtub, toilet if he gets past me, dryer door, dishwasher, drawers in the kitchen, chair that was blocking the top of the stairs, get the the picture. It has also been busy for me in realizing that these are not all things that I want him to have access to, and having to start the "no" stage and discipling, and moving him away from whatever the object is. So, learning consistency has also been on my daily agenda. We did get the baby gate put up this weekend, so that helps some, and I don't have to be as worried about the stairs. It is definately a super fun stage and I am getting my exercise in staying up with him! :)
We have been out enjoying the summer that finally came to Alaska! After 31 days straight of precipitation we were so ready for it! ON Friday night we went hiking with my parents and brother Ben, we went to Flattop, which is just nearby here in Anchorage. Jeremy was along so he got to carry JOnathan inth ebackpack, making it much easier for me! And then I went again today with some good mommy friends, and I got to carry Jonathan, which really isn't too bad, but I was tired by the end! I lucked out and found a great baby backpack on Craigslist a few weeks back and although it doens't get used tons, it is so wonderful to have!! I will try to add on some pictures! :)

His legs are so flexible and he sits in the most peculiar positions, they look so uncomfortable to me, but whatever I guess!

Family picture! :)

Helping Mommy fold the laundry!

Yes that is the binky ring holder in his mouth - he'll take whatever he can get! :)

This was when he was jus starting to pull up, I came back upstairs and he was standing there at the ottoman just looking at me like "look at me Mom!! How cool is this!?!"
I can't believe how big he is! When we were there he was just a laying down only baby (Tim made fun of me for saying this technical term). Wish we could play now!