Currently I feel like Jonathan is just changing every day! HIs newest things going on are that he has his first tooth finally breaking through! I can actually feel it! So, although ever since four months I have thought he was teething, finally at 8 months we are seeing/feeling something. I just found that two days ago.
Finally last Friday he actually got his arms and feet to all move in a crawling motion, but still doesn't choose that as his mode of transportation, he woudl much rather roll and flop and flip and get himself to wherever he is going, which seems to work well for him!
AND about two weeks ago we were at my mom's and Jonathan was supposed to be taking a nap, but was just fussing instead and UNcle Dan went in to resuce him and found him standing at the railing in the crib. Ever since then he has been a "pulling up" machine! Every opportunity he pulls himself up, in the crib, on the ottoman, couch, chairs, legs, feet, arms, everything he possibly can find, he pulls himself up on. And he takes his falls pretty gracefully too. And on Monday of this week he actually let go and stood there by himself for a few seconds. SOOO, am not sure what all this means, but he seems much more interested in the idea of walking than crawling. And it doesn't matter where they are left, but as soon as JOnathan sees one of Miles' rawhides on the floor, he goes straight towards it! So we are constantly taking those away and I think putting them away and somehow Miles finds another to bring and share with Jonathan.
It was the same day that he pulled himself up that he started saying "dadadadada" and that is now his pretty constant noise! He loves it, and he even likes saying it really high pitched, which is just great to listen to! :) Jeremy of course loved getting to hear him say it. When he started we called Daddy at work and Jonathan said it over the phone! Very special for Daddy! Funny though that he loves it then, but if it's the middle of the night or early morning he doesn't respond. :)
wow, he's so big already! Now that he's on the move- nothing is safe. Have fun, it's a great stage =)