His other thing he found was the floor cover for the vent. Yep - he can pull it out! So, the living room finally got rearranged so that he can't get to the one under the window as easily. However, yesterday he wiggled BEHIND the couch and was pulling it up again! And found the one in the bathroom and was pulling it up! And as I was coming for him he knew he wasn't supposed to be doing it, because as quick as he could he was trying to get his foot into the vent hole. Apparently there is something really fun about that! Who knew that I would be finding ways to child proof the floor vents!
Our other new first was going to Bouncin' Bears a couple of weeks ago. We went with my mom's little neighbor boy who my mom watches and had just had a baby sister, so went for a fun trip to play! Jonathan of course loved the slides there, although I had to carry him up, and the bouncing was alot of fun. Unfortunately I couldn't do too much bounding, made me a little nauseous, so good thing Grandma was with us :)
And Miles! He thought that Jonathan's chair sitting in the sun was set up for him! He got set straight - but not til after I took a picture.
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