Well, I say this will be quick and I truly think it will be. I'm updating mostly to just have a slightly updated version of our life on here. So when I wrote the last post, I was totally lying. I said there wasn't much new going on, but there really was! And although I'm pretty positive most of my readers (all one or two of you );) know this, but I am pregnant with baby #2!! We found out mid February and have had fun telling our families. We got Jonathan a shirt that said "Big Brother" so that he could be part of the announcement. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of him in it, but I'm working on getting them. I am now 13 weeks and due Oct 18. Unfortunately this pregnancy hasn't been quite as easy as Jonathan was. Mostly just lots of sickness, but I got some anti nausea medicine last week, and that has helped. I have had a number of people tell me that the worse pregnancies are girls, so we'll see if that holds true or not. But, we are going to keep this one a surprise again and won't find out until Baby comes out!! I love the surprise of it! :)
WE had a great trip to Colorado to visit Jeremy's family in March, although it was super busy, but it was so fun to see everyone! On the way home Jonathan and I spent three days in Seattle with my good friend Liz and her family, it was so wonderful to spend time together! The kids all played together well and we got to go to the park everyday! It was a wonderful time together! I miss her!!
Since then it has been back to life here at home. We have gone through about a two week period of adjustment. - for both of us. - me being mom full time again and Jonathan wishing there were more people around to entertain! So, that has also meant a number of trips to my parents so that we can get a little bit of a break from each other :). I am so grateful to have my parents around, and know that if they weren't I would just have to not be able to rely on them, but am so grateful that for this period of life they are here and that they get to know Jonathan, and I am able to get a little extra help, which on some days has been so wonderful because it has been hard to make it through the day. But, I'm headed into the second trimester, so am hoping for good things to be coming!!
Well, I think we are going to head out for a walk as the sun is shining and we all need some fresh air! :)
I'm reading!! So excited for you, Bran!!